Monday, 14 May 2018

Donkey Week Diary; Day Six

And then, the week has flown by and it's the last day. The last day of Donkey Week is spent at Slade House Farm, the main sanctuary farm.
The usual round of trailer rides, donkey cuddling and fundraising go on, but with a tinge of sadness. As a regular volunteer I will be back in a couple of weeks to work an event, but I felt sympathy for those Weekers who are too frail or live too far away to visit regularly.
So, what to do on the last day? It was another gloriously sunny day, such a week of good weather for Donkey Week, so time to slap on the suncream and see some donkeys.
We took a walk over to Trow Farm again to walk some donkeys and for me to see my Donkey Week donkey, Henry. I walked Little Bird again, she of the gentle patient nature, and then spent a long time grooming and talking to Henry.
I took the opportunity of a trailer ride back to the main farm and thrilled in the luscious green surroundings and the blue, blue sky. After a long depressing winter, it seems spring has finally arrived.
A pleasant afternoon of chats, an interesting talk on donkey advocacy and then the final farewell talk from the CEO followed
We also found out which fundraising stall had raised the most (a gentle well-meaning competition) and who had won the big raffles. I bid in the Auction for an original piece of art I had set my heart on and got it! This was followed by farewells and hugs to fellow Weekers who are preparing to return to their hotels for the last time. No tears, we have all had a fabulous week, and we will be back next year!!
But my friends and I have something up our sleeve for the last day, to dispel the low mood. We always buy our donkey feeding tickets for the last day, so we have something to look forward to and it's a great way to end the week.
We load up buckets with ginger snaps, polos and sliced carrots and apples, add in some equine food (depending who we are feeding) and then get some time corralled with our nominated donkey while they munch and crunch through the contents of the buckets. I got an old favourite, Baby Donk, but we shared his treat with Jasper who didn't get a feeder.
This is a brilliant opportunity to spend some one on one with another donkey and I thoroughly enjoy doing it.
And just like that, we have one final coffee in the restaurant and raid the shop and Donkey Week is over for another year. Time to set the countdown clock to the next one.